EGSC基金会 Fundraising and Gift Acceptance Policy


The 十大正规网赌平台 Foundation, Inc.(“基金会”)是一个非营利组织 organization established in 1973 to raise and manage private dollars to meet the needs of 十大正规网赌平台 that are not funded through state allocations or tuition.

The Foundation is qualified by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax exempt 501(c)(3) 公司.

The Foundation is committed to ensuring that fundraising activities are carried out 以合乎道德的方式.


The purpose of this document is to identify the Foundation’s position on fundraising practice and to document the procedure to be followed and the standards expected of 十大正规网赌平台 employees and trustees when engaged in fundraising activities 来自私人捐助者.


The Board of Regents of the 佐治亚大学系统 encourages the System’s institutions to seek private support from alumni, friends, 公司s, foundations and other 组织. Funds raised from private donations may be used in support of the mission and objectives of the institution, including funds for student scholarships and fellowships, chairs and professorships, construction of physical facilities and for other purposes 可以由捐赠人指定.

By accepting such gifts, donations, bequests, or declarations of trust, the President of the institution affirms that the gift or donation carries no obligations to the institution that may conflict with state law or Board of Regents policy. 总统 also affirms that acceptance of the gift or donation will not impose a financial burden on the institution beyond that which can be managed within the institution’s budget.

For purposes of these policies, the term “gifts” refers to private contributions (such contributions are sometimes called “grants” by foundations and 公司s). 礼物 are outright or deferred contributions received from private contributors sometimes referred to herein as “donors,” in which neither goods nor services (other than general reports and/or fulfillment of donor intent) are expected, implied or forthcoming for 捐献者.

“In-kind” gifts require special treatment as described in the attached exhibit (A).


The Foundation acknowledges the importance of honesty and integrity in fundraising. To this end, the Foundation adopts the below ethical standards and 捐款人权利法案. The Vice President for 机构发展 will monitor compliance with the 捐款人权利法案.


Individuals engaged in fundraising on behalf of the college are expected to abide by professional standards adopted by the Council for 进步 and Support of Education (例). CASE principles of practice for fundraisers involve personal integrity, confidentiality, public trust, disclosure, compensation and conflicts of interest.

Approved by the CASE Board of 受托人 in November 2005

Philanthropy is a voluntary exchange in which the values and aspirations of donors are matched with the values and aspirations of those they benefit.

Educational fundraising professionals work on behalf of those served by their institutions during this exchange of values and represent their universities, colleges and schools 对捐赠者、志愿者和广大公众. 这样做,他们也代表了 integrity of the institution and of the fundraising profession. 他们必须,在卸货 responsibilities, observe and promote the highest standards of personal and professional conduct and continually strive to increase their knowledge of the profession.

The following principles are consistent with CASE’s position on commission-based compensation developed by the Commission on Educational Fundraising (now the Commission on Philanthropy) in 1991 and reaffirmed in 2005, and the 捐款人权利法案. 它们的目的是 provide guidance and direction to educational fundraisers and volunteers as they make ethical choices during the philanthropic exchange of values. 原则不是, and cannot be, an exhaustive list of rules to be applied to every decision in which 可能涉及伦理原则.

These ethical principles go hand-in-hand with the expectation that educational fundraising professionals are expected to comply with the letter and the spirit of all laws relevant 慈善捐赠.




      • be fair and honest and conduct themselves with integrity;
      • not maintain any vested interest in a professionally related activity that could result in personal gain without prior full disclosure and approval;
      • respect that their relationships with prospective donors, donors, volunteers and employees are professional relationships and may not be exploited.



      • safeguard and respect donor and prospective donor information;
      • honor the wishes of an individual and/or organizational constituent with regard to how directory information and/or giving history is used;
      • record and keep only information relevant to cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship’
      • identify the source of retained information;
      • safeguard prospective donor, donor and other constituent lists complied by the institution as the property of the institution; these lists may not be distributed or used for 未经许可的目的或为个人利益的;
      • make every effort to ensure that volunteers, vendors and external entities with access to constituent information understand and agree to comply with the organization’s confidentiality and public disclosure policies.



      • ensure donated funds are used in accordance with donors’ intentions;
      • obtain specific instructions from a donor before altering conditions of a restricted 赠与(符合适用法律);
      • provide prompt, responsive and truthful replies to donor and public inquiry in accordance 符合组织规定的政策;
      • place the mission and interest of the institution and its donors above personal gain;
      • pursue only gifts that fall within, or advance, the institution’s mission and/or approved 优先级.



      • be truthful about the institution’s mission, intended use of funds, and capacity of the institution to use donations effectively for the intended purpose;
      • be truthful and specific about the identification of the organization they represent 他们的就业或志愿者身份;
      • understand and disclose their areas of expertise and will give appropriate advice regarding the involvement of 捐献者s’ legal, accounting, financial and tax advisors;
      • help ensure appropriate and consistent accounting, budgeting, and reporting methodologies.



      • not accept commission-based compensation or compensation based on a percentage of 募集资金;
      • not accept external compensation for the receipt of a gift or information leading 送礼物;
      • not agree to pay compensation to individuals in respect of a gift or information leading 一份礼物.


The text of the statement below was developed by the American Association of Fundraising Counsel (now known as the Giving Institute), the Association for 健康care Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for 进步 and Support of Education (例) and the Association 筹款专业人士(法新社). Adopted by these 组织 in November 1993, the statement is widely used by fundraising 组织. 慈善事业的基础是 为共同利益而自愿行动. 这是一种给予和分享的传统 是生活质量的首要因素吗. To ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the nonprofit 组织 and causes they are asked to support, East Georgia State College declares that all donors have these rights:

    1. To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their 预期的目的.
    2. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
    3. To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements.
    4. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
    5. To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
    6. To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
    7. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing 组织 of interest 对捐赠者将是专业性质的.
    8. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization 或者聘请律师.
    9. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists than an organization 可能打算分享.
    10. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful 直截了当的回答.

Role of the 十大正规网赌平台 Office 制度进步

All fundraising conducted on behalf of the college must be coordinated through the 机构发展部. Any 十大正规网赌平台 employee soliciting donations on behalf of the college may solicit, but cannot commit to accept a gift or commit to gift conditions, without first consulting the Director of Institutional 进步. The coordination with 机构发展 will prevent multiple solicitations of the same donor and will ensure a consistent and streamlined approach 为了筹款.

All gifts will be recorded in the Office 制度进步 and the Business 十大正规网赌平台办公室. 这些礼物将得到办公室的认可 制度进步.

The Director 制度进步 is responsible for carrying out 捐献者’s intent, including public acknowledgment of the gift, compliance with any gift conditions or restrictions and safeguarding donor items on loan to 十大正规网赌平台.

Exhibit A - 礼物 of Personal Property or Service/礼物 in Kind (PDF)